28 October 2006


October 28, 2006

"Jumping Someone Else's Train" by The Cure
Yahoo Music Engine
Guitar PowerTab

I've known this song for literally 24 years, and I still like it enough to have it creep into my consciousness from time to time. The lyrics aren't terribly profound - telling someone (probably an ex) that they're unoriginal, a scenester, a follower, etc., but it's a pretty good phrase for the trendy affliction. Should we try to reintroduce it into the popular vernacular? Screaming at passing hipsters: "hey you unoriginal posers, aren't you happy, you're finally all the same, you're always jumping someone else's train!!!!" In New York, you could just wait for the L train subway to pull up in the morning and spew forth it's trendy contents. Sounds like an amusing weekday diversion - coffee and hipster harassment.

P.S. Listen to the bass line.

Welcome back guys! I was afraid you had given up.

Just a note to let you know your readership is still paying attention.

And this morning's song...Hey it's Franklin...Comin' out to play.
The natives are getting restless. They want a new post...and to know how the new job is going.

Report in soon!!
Well, I'm back on. Sorta.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Sorry about the lack of posts. The new job is great, but keeping me super busy - and I can't even listen to music there!!! So I've been tired AND uninspired. :-( I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Lemme see if I can help, yo.
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